You could call it “Reserve,” “Small Batch” or “Limited Edition.” We just call it a bummer of a season (Cue the trumpet blats: wah, wah, waaaah). Due to the maple sap-zapping side effects of our unusually warm winter this year, our total maple syrup output this year was approximately 85% lower than last year. But the small amount of Kopp’s Crops 2012 Pure Maple Syrup that we did manage to eke out is now for sale! For our Facebook friends & blog followers outside the Twin Cities, please order online from the sidebar at right. For local pickup or delivery, email us at to reserve your bottle now! Each 8 oz. bottle of Grade A Medium Amber is $7.00 (plus shipping outside the Twin Cities) – first come first served while supplies last! Can’t you just taste the pancakes now? J